> Well, the issue that was brought up in a separate thread is:
> The default kernel is already above 543 on an x86.
> Although bzImage helps, why not just remove zImage and put some
> zImage: bzImage
> into the Makefiles?
> Besides: what is the current absolute limit of 2.1 kernels with
> bzImage again? I consider it useful to have a fully-fledged kernel with
> everything linked in - no modules. Might be safety reasons, might be
> shutting down the hard disk after boot (well, okay, insmod without
> removable option would do also), might be saving the kernel module
> loader overhead or anything else.
Seems to me this problem will only get worse. One solution is to buy
non-Intel hardware, since Intel is so braindead. Another is to perhaps
encourage the maintainers of LILO to add protected mode initialization code,
so that LILO can load an arbitrarily large file.
-- Bob, alpha owner. cuz Intel sucks.
Bob McElrath (mcelrath@draal.physics.wisc.edu) Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison
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