>On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, Simon Kenyon wrote:
>> On 02-Dec-98 Alex Buell wrote:
>> > Spinning down the planet will kill all life.
>> i know i really shouldn't...
>> why would it kill all life?
>What is the first thing that ceases when you spin down a planet? That's
>right, gravity. Everything not tied down would just fly out into space,
>and that includes the atmosphere. Simple.
??????????????????? It might be time to revisit those physics textbooks,
last I heard gravity resulted from the mass of an object, not its rotation.
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>Linux lo-pc3035a 2.1.130 #10 Mon Nov 30 10:49:50 EST 1998
>One Intel Pentium 166MHz processor, 66.36 total bogomips, 16M RAM
>System library 5.4.44
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