Yes People, I didn't know that if a year was divisable by 400
it was a leap year .
PS: their quotes are below , A special thanks to these people ;-)
Thank you all, JimL
| James W. Laferriere - Network Engineer - |
| System Techniques - 25416 - 22nd S. - Des-Moines, WA 98198 |
| Give me VMS -or- Give me Linux -but- only on AXP |
1> From: "[iso-8859-1] Horacio J. Peña" <>
> Try :-)
2> From: Andi Kleen <>
> The 'known standard body' is the Vatican with the authority of Pope
> Gregor XII "the great". The standard was issued in 1582 in form
> of his "Inter Gravissimas" bull. See
> for an reproduction
> of the standard, to read the original you need to know Latin.
3> From: Tom Sedge <>
> I refer you to J. S. Connell's earlier post to this list (below).
> > From Sun Dec 6 15:42:56 1998
> > And an even less-well-known rule, obviously, is that years divisible by 400
> > *are* leap years. See, among
> > other calendrically-oriented sites.
> >
> > Mr. Myréen asked whether 2000 being a leap year is a problem, since people
> > who know the /100 rule probably know the /400 rule as well. I neither wish
> > to single out Mr. Shore nor make an example out of him, but it appears that
> > Mr. Myréen's optimism is ill-founded.
> >
> > (Another rarely-known fact is that the leap day is not the 29th of
> > February. It's actually the 24th. Inter Gravissimus (-mas?) can make for
> > interesting reading, when you're bored.)
4> From: Andi Kleen <>
> The 'known standard body' is the Vatican with the authority of Pope
> Gregor XII "the great". The standard was issued in 1582 in form
> of his "Inter Gravissimas" bull. See
> for an reproduction
> of the standard, to read the original you need to know Latin.
5> From: Erik Corry <>
> The relevant standards body in this case is the Catholic Church.
> It's an old standard :-).
> But as I don't know of a URL on this at
> the Vatican, you could do worse than to see
> for something official from the Royal Greenwich
> Observatory.
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