Re: Problem with modules and mono console
David Feuer (
Tue, 08 Dec 1998 18:28:37 -0500
Jon wrote:
> OK, Im pretty new to this, but my modules are no longer loading
> automatically.
> Both in 130 and 131
> This wasnt a problem in 125. I have to load them by hand, I only noticed it
> when trying
> to mount dos disks. It would be ok, but I dont know what order to load all
> my modules in.
> Also, I have a hercules card in my system ( dual head ). mdacon detects it
> correctly at
> boot but I cant work out how to use it. It says that consoles 14-17 have
> been moved to
> MDA-2. But I dont have consoles above 12. If I add more consoles to my
> inittab file
> then the ones above 12 dont work ( right-alt + Fn ). In addition the ones
> that overlap
> 14-17 cause a "respawning to fast" error.
> mda support is now in the kernel as I thought it might be the module
> problem.
> Any suggestions.
> TIA,
> Jon.
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I don't know who's fault this is (but it's either kernel's or Redhat's
(prob kern)): I recently installed 2.1.131 and set it to use the
parport and the modular lp. My printer then refused to work (with
errors). I was mystified until I took a second look at
/etc/conf.modules. I found, to my shock and horror, that there were
several major errors:
the 'u' was missing from "uname" in many places. The first line said
depfile=/lib/modules/`uname -r` instead of depfile=/lib/modules/`uname
I think those were the only errors, but they were pretty big. I fixed
them, and everything worked fine.
BTW, with kmod, does module unloading happen automagically, or do I have
to go learn cron?
David Feuer
Open Source: Think locally; act globally.
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