I recently upgraded to 2.1.131. The only difference is that instead of segfault
I now get this message at the boot:
atyfb: Unknown mach64 0x0000
It seems to me that the driver is unable to read the chip id.
Im still using RagePRO PCI.
BTW! Is mach64 framebuffer driver accelerated. I mean is there any
speed difference if I use mach64 FB or Vesa FB ?
Is there any newer version of the driver. If yes can u point me URL or
e-mail the patch if it's not over 90Kb (my UUCP can't handle over 100k
-- ======================================================================== \||||||||||/ Antti Andreimann \||||||||||||||/ nickname: Cyber \|||||||||||||||||\ anttix@cyberix.edu.ee /||||||||||||||||0\__@ ______ /|||||||||||||||||__/ (______) Linux: Because rebooting is \||||||||||||||||/ {} for adding new hardware (c)siil L L L L _||_ No >90K messages please. ========================================================================- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/