Re: amd3d flag listed as flag 31
H. Peter Anvin (
12 Dec 1998 09:29:21 GMT
Followup to: <>
By author: Thomas Wouters <>
In newsgroup:
> If you wish for your kernel to show '3dnow!' instead of '31', you can change
> the string in that piece of code. I suspect, however, that it isn't done in
> the stock kernel because flag 31 isn't 'officially' 3dnow!, and intel might
> use it for itself in some way (and screw 3dnow! drivers/applications that
> dont check if the cpu is, indeed, an AMD.) -- This is just a guess though, I
> dont know enough about ia32 and who specifies what to say anything
> meaningful about it.
> (Note that changing 31 into 3dnow! _could_ break code that checks if flag 31
> is set by reading /proc/cpuinfo. I dont know of any such code and it'd be
> silly code anyway (because who knows what the flag will be named in later
> kernels) but I'll mention it none the less :)
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