> Yes it does. BTW, GNU is recommending the -m{cpu name} not be used as it is
> going to be fazed out in the future. The new style
> is -mcpu=pentium, -mcpu=pentiumpro. (also -mcpu=586,686 if I remember
> correctly)
> And pegcs has -mamdk6 for the AMD K6, and I think another one for Cyrixes
> too.
What is pegcs and where can I find it? I regretfully don't have the
resources to scan for every gcc/egcs variant out there although a
separate K6 or M-II option would be great.
> BTW, according to pgcc's web site to get the maximum, safe, optimizations
> using their compiler you should use the -O6 option.
Okay, will be set in next patch version.
> The pentium and pentium pro options appeared in gcc 2.8.0, which is what
> egcs is based on, and pgcc is an addon to egcs.
Will change the help text accordingly.
-- Matthias Andree --- How to obtain PGP public key <mandree@dosis.uni-dortmund.de> <<< /finger/ this <m_andree@line.org> <<< mail, subject "SEND PGP-PUBLIC-KEY"
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