Re: sak-2.1.131.diff

Michael Dale Long (
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 00:06:35 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Ragnar Hojland Espinosa wrote:

> Here's a patch to add a separate SAK key .. the good part of microsoft
> keyboards is that they have 3 extra keys to do have fun with ;)

The short story: The patch is broken.

The long story:

1) I apply your patch to my clean 2.1.131 tree (it was supposed to be a
clean 131, correct? Otherwise you can stop here and tell me what patches
to use. :)

2) I go into make menuconfig, enabled your new Magic SAK, and disable
Magic SysRQ.

3) I compile. It succeeds.

4) I reboot. It boots.

5) I switch to VC #2 and login as a normal user (aka not root). I run a
couple of commands (ls or something), then hit ALT-SysRQ.

That automatically switches me back to VC #1, which kills the login
process and starts a new one. I hit ALT-SysRQ on that console, it
switches to #2 then kills all the processes on it. I think weird.

So I start X. I get the bright idea of trying the SAK there. Bad idea.
It kills X, but in doing so it leaves the console in Raw mode and in a
graphics state. No Magic SysRQ to shutdown, either. Fortunately I was
able to telnet in from another machine and shutdown just fine.

That's my story. If you need more info, just ask. I'll look through the
code if I have a chance and see if I come up with anything.

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