Re: Internationalizing Linux

Riley Williams (
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:47:07 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Peter.

>> No the real problem is that: the second order predicative logic
>> isn't complete. So there is no way to map it properly into any kind
>> of formalized language... See: Tarski and Goedel :-). AI can't help
>> since it can't exist, at least on the kind of silicon based
>> computers we use those times, for the same reasons. However
>> amazingly enought this had been well known since already the
>> beginnings of this century... BTW. I'm quite happy with this
>> situation since it's implying as well that programmers are not going
>> to loose they jobs for a quite long time in the future ;-).

> I consider that interpretation of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem to be
> faulty. There is no credible evidence that humans need something
> beyond the purely computational to decode language, and it is pretty
> clear that humans are able to decode human language well; however,
> sometimes inherent disambiguities in the language force us to request
> clarification. Not perfect, but life goes on.

> Human language just *isn't* perfectly logical: a lot of the
> information is conveyed by choice of words, connotations, inflection,
> context and innuendo. This part of the information contents is
> mostly fuzzy and often ambiguous.

I seem to remember being given an example of natural language that's
almost impossible for a computer to decode, so perhaps I can present
it here for comments...

Q> She said "Those things over there are my husband's".

As I understand it, any computer speech recognition program will
mangle that by omitting the apostrophe near the end.

Also, whilst it will correctly translate them, the following pair of
sentences would tend to confuse such a system, although which would be
incorrectly interpreted is apparently open to debate...

Q> Time flies like an arrow.

Q> Fruit flies like a banana.

Comments, anybody? Private email if this is off-topic...

Best wishes from Riley.

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