A strange problem occurs on a Xeon-450 we have here (running RedHat 5.2) :
the machine has a Permedia 2 AGP video card, that gets set to IRQ10 by
the BIOS.
The kernel clock runs fine, until I start X (XFree86-3DLabs-3.3.3). After
that, the clock runs about six times too slow.
So it takes about 6 seconds before there have been 100 timer interrupts.
Stopping X doesn't get time back to normal speed.
(I've tried kernels 2.0.36 and 2.0.37pre3, both with and without modules).
(system details : Dell Precision 610, single Xeon 450 (dual capable), 128
MB ram, U2W AIC7890 scsi with one HD.
I've disabled all ACPI/APM features in the bios, as the bios help says
that those things can use IRQ10 too.)
I ended up running a looped
sleep 1; ntpdate `cat /etc/ntp/step-tickers`;
to keep the time reasonably correct. (N.B. because the clock is 6 times
slow, the "sleep 1" takes about 6 seconds ...)
Any hints to a solution are welcome.
(for more info about the system/kernel/software config, e-mail me)
Bert de Bruijn.
/* Bert de Bruijn E-mail: bob@ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be */
/* http://www.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.ac.be/students/Bert.de.Bruijn/ */
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