Re: PATCH: Raw device IO for 2.1.131

Harald Milz (
15 Dec 1998 20:51:25 GMT

Matthew Brown <> wrote:

> 1) Linus and most of us are not being paid for this, and we are not
> doing this to sell. There *are* only technical issues.

C'mon. Linus and you are not being paid for this but there are people out
there who make their living on selling Linux. Linux just for fun, that's
been quite a while ago.

> 2) I'm sorry, but part of being a professional *is* telling the
> customer what's good for them. It's called professional
> integrity.

As a service professional, I learnt to a) listen to the customer's wishes
and b) not arguing against them of, and c) to talk to development if my
product doesn't fulfil them. This is proven to work.

> 3) Isn't 'telling the customer what's good for them' exactly what
> Oracle et al. would be doing here?

No. I said they could argue "well we do support Linux but it's suboptimal
compared to HP, Sun because we can't use raw devices".

> 4) Linus has made it clear a number of times on this issue that he
> doesn't think raw disk device access is a good idea, and he's not
> prepared to add such a feature to the kernel just because 'everyone
> else does it'.

Yes I can read. My opinion is different, though, and not only mine.

> Well, you could still use a partition like /dev/sda1 for a database --
> the only issue is that this goes through the buffer cache instead of
> reading or writing directly to the disk.

Which is exactly what Oracle et al. are not going to do - for obvious
reasons. This is not an "issue" but a showstopper. But you were kidding
anyway, weren't you?

Error in operator: add beer

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