> I know it is late, but I have been very occupied with some other
> concerns; some of which are kernel.org related.
> I would like to set up an "official mirror" system for kernel.org.
> "Official" means a set of mirrors that are willing to:
> 1. Have a contact person on file;
> 2. Allow public access;
> 3. Update their mirror via rsync or FTP at least daily (privileged
> access will be provided to participating hosts);
> 4. Mirror all of /pub/linux and /pub/software (either .gz or .bz2
> files may be excluded at your option);
Part of this is already done by SunSite-UK at least: They mirror the
/pub/linux section of ftp.kernel.org at Imperial College, London...
Q> ftp://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/Mirrors/ftp.kernel.org/
> If you are interested in participating, please subscribe to the
> <mirrors@linux.kernel.org> mailing list; the goal is to have this
> system operational by the time 2.2 hits the wire.
I'm interested, but need to upgrade the hard drive on my mirror site
Best wishes from Riley.
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