Linux-2.1.x has compiled with egcs and pgcc for quite a while.
Several version have problems with certain assembly sources from time
to time, but those usually get worked out after a fight about who
should take care of it (ie. binutils, kernel folks, egcs or pgcc.)
Linux-2.0.x does compile with egcs and pgcc, and even later versions
of gcc... but not without special patches to the kernel. If you try
to compile it with something other than gcc-2.7.2.x Linux-2.0.x will
complain with a message that'll tell you where to get the patches.
I've used gcc-2.8.1 to compile many version or linux-2.1.x and had
nothing but success... but if I did have problems I'd compile the
kernel with gcc- BEFORE I ever tried to mention the problem to
the linux kernel list... 'cause they //tend// to ignore problems when
you mention another compiler ;-)
-- Jeffrey Hundstad
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