Re: 2.1.133-1: repeatable oops on reboot, autofs related

H. Peter Anvin (
23 Dec 1998 23:35:49 GMT

Followup to: <>
By author: Steffen Zahn <>
In newsgroup:
> Just a reminder that the oops reported under subjects
> 2.1.132-4: repeatable oops on reboot, nfs/autofs related?
> and
> Re: 2.1.132-4: repeatable oops on reboot, nfs/autofs related?
> is still there in 2.1.133-1.

I have looked at/for it -- the crash appears to be a crash in the write
method for the kernel-to-user pipe -- but am looking somewhat in the
dark because I cannot reproduce it.

I would appreciate any and all information that you can possibly give
me, as well as a copy of your kernel binary, file, and
preferrably a tar of your build tree.

I'm out of town right now but will be back Saturday.


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