They just don't work over masquerading.
Meaning, the fragments are coming through OK, and *my* kernel
is *supposed* to "ALWAYS_DEFRAGMENT", which is *supposed* to
mean (as I understand it), that if it works at all (over 296),
it should work (over the 1500 eth0 forwarding). Maybe it does
defragment to *larger* than 1500, and then just doesn't *re-*
fragment it down to under 1500? I dunno until I spend some time
in tcpdump and ip_input.c or whatever, I guess...
> In my experience this is most often caused by misconfiguration at the
> "other end" of your connection. meaning: nothing much you can do about it;
> some sysadmin has set up a firewall between you and the webserver which
> doesn't allow the ICMP unreachable messages to reach the webserver.
> Only thing you can do is a) set your MRU to 1500 so the problem doesn't
> occur or b) contact affected websites on a case by case basis and get them
> to fix their setup by EITHER alloing ICMP unreachable packets to reach
> their webserver OR turning off MTU Path discovery on the websever (for
> linux it's a compile-time option of the kernel).
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