> Disk capacities do not come naturally in powers of two.
> So it is not convenient, and it is not correct, there is
> really no reason whatsoever, to use G = 2^30 in such a context.
Yes there is: consistency in context. We are talking about
computers, and everything else is in powers of two.
Tossing in ONE device and having it measured differently is insane.
It is just unfortunate that the prefix mess got created in the
first place, but it is here so either we need another or we have
a context == computer world that is different from SI.
Should be great fun when you talk about how you can store the data
for 1k people in 1M of memory... :)
How many bytes per person is that anyway?
-- Shannon - shendrix@widomaker.com - www.widomaker.com/~shendrix/myresume.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Whatever..." -- Kenny Gatdula
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