> Hello,
> I've just installed 2.2.0pre3 and somehow linux doesn't mount my dos
> filesystems (those are fat32). It says that there is no msdos filesystem
> present. But about a minute ago (under 2.1.132ac2) it was perfectly fine.
> Furthermore I have a dos filesystem on a loopback device (this is fat16)
> that does mount. The partitiontable information is correctly determined
> and another e2fs also get's mounted without problem. Is this just my
> system or is somebody encountering the same problems??
> Justin....
The same condition appears to be true here. I'm running 2.2.0pre3 as well
and 2.2.0pre1-ac2 functioned fine before.
-- Mark Szlaga mszlaga@umd.umich.edu http://www.umd.umich.edu/~mszlaga/ /dev/hdb5 - 0.5Gb of spinning metal, all alone in the night... - unknown - alt.sysadmin.recovery /dev/hdb5 - our last best hope for free space... - Chip Salzenberg - <chip@pobox.com>
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