> I used the old driver ncr538/7xx to do the inquiries. If it helps I still
The inquiry data from your devices seem correct.
> volunteer to crash my SCSI-bus again using the new driver and xcdroast
> and/or write to /dev/st0. Then I would boot off an IDE-drive to keep the
> system from hanging and to be able to record all the error messages.
Thanks for helping debug the thing.
You may also enable some debugging messages in drivers.
The st driver needs to be recompiled with DEBUG defined. For the
ncr53c8xx you can send the following command at run time before
starting your tests:
echo "setdebug phase result nego tags" >/proc/scsi/ncr53c8xx/0
You may also try to get some debug outputs from scsi.c, but this probably
will populate you log too much and make things ununderstandable.
You may just do 2 tests, one with minimal output messages and another
one will full debug messages and report me the outputs.
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