I'm about to make a Solaris-to-L:inux migration and I'll have to perform
a few somersaults to fit the user database into 16 bits. Could be worse,
I know. But someone, somewhere, is going to hit this limit like a brick
wall. Think about big ISPs.
-- ___THE___ One man alone cannot fight the future. USE LINUX! \ \ / / _______________________________________________ \ V / |Juan Carlos Castro y Castro | \ / |jcastro@pcshop.com.br | / \ |Linuxeiro, alvinegro, X-Phile e Carioca Folgado| / ^ \ |Diretor de Inform�tica e Eventos Sobrenaturais | / / \ \ |da E-RACE CORPORATION | ~~~ ~~~ ----------------------------------------------- RACER
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