ftp performance - kernel network options
Eva Hocks (hocks@rzri6h.gsi.de)
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 01:58:01 +0100 (CET)
Though I set the CONFIG_SKB_LARGE=y I experience performance problems with
ftp (L8 Version BSD-44), kernel is at 2.2.0.pre4.
Using the linux ftp client command "get" through an ISDN connection (MTU
1500) to an AIX server connected via ethernet (MTU 1500) one package is sent,
and a waiting time of about 20 seconds before the next package is
transfered. It looks like the Nagle Algorithm or delayed ACK timer causes
the delay on the acknowledgement.
TCP window is 32K on AIX and RFC1323 is enabled as well.
When I however use the linux ftp server (wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-15]), that is,
run the ftp "put" from the AIX box, the transfer is at to a steady rate of
about 4KB/s.
Where to tune the MIN/MAX_WINDOW and the delay_acks?
Thanks for any advise,
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