Re: [OFFTOPIC] Gnumenclature was Re: IBM, was never Re: Linux
Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH (
Sat, 09 Jan 1999 17:42:20 -0500
In message <775geo$>, david parsons writes:
| In article <>,
| Alan Cox <> wrote:
| >> You know, the Berkeley people never would have insisted that we call it
| >> Berkeley Linux if we had used their versions of all of these tools. In
| >> retrospect, I wonder if it wasn't a mistake not to have done so.
| >
| >Of course not. Thats why they require you plaster their name all over your
| >advertising material and manuals.
| I'm not sure that's the case; I certainly don't see their name plastered
| all over the advertising material and manuals for any of the versions of
| Linux that include Berkeley code (I believe that would be all of them
| except possibly the Linux Router Project's distribution.)
In fact, the opposite to some extent: one of the standard provisions of the
BSD license is that you can't use the names of the various entities involved
with its development in advertizing.
brandon s. allbery [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator [WAY too many hats]
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering KF8NH
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