> OK, the other reasonably obvious possibility is to turn that on its
> head - is TZ set for the sendmail daemon that's started automagically
> in your boot scripts ???
> To check this on the RedHat system, look in /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail
> for any lines of the form "export TZ=??T" and, if they're found, kill
> them. When you've done that, find the line that begins "start)" and
> insert immediately after it the following line:
> echo "*** Sendmail Timezone = <$TZ>" >&2
You can set this in the sendmail.cf (or via the M4 files) with a line like:
# time zone handling:
# if undefined, use system default
# if defined but null, use TZ envariable passed in
# if defined and non-null, use that info
O TimeZoneSpec=MST7MDT
in sendmail.cf or
define(onfTIME_ZONE', MST7MDT)dnl
in your sendmail.mc
> Best wishes from Riley.
-- James Bourne | Email: jbourne@affinity-systems.ab.ca Affinity Systems Inc. | WWW: http://www.affinity-systems.ab.ca Everything Unix | Linux: The choice of a GNU generation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unix System Administration, System programming, Network Administration
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