> Can anyone point me to a resource or otherwise explain to me how
> significant CPU stepping is on SMP systems?
> While playing with 2.2.0-preX kernels I recently noticed that my dual
> PPro 180Mhz Tyan Titan Pro Red Hat Linux 5.2 system has CPU0 with a
> stepping of 7 and CPU1 with a stepping of 9. It seems to run SMP
> kernels just fine.
> However, I also have a dual PPro 200Mhz SuperMicro P6DNF Red Hat Linux
> 5.2 system with CPU0 with a stepping of 7 and CPU1 with a stepping of 9
> and it always crashes within 24 hours with any SMP kernel (2.1.1XX and
> 2.2.0-preX with MTRR). I've tried different 3c905 NICs, different EDO
> RAM, updated the SuperMicro BIOS, and anything else listed in the
> Linux-SMP FAQ to no avail.
> I have an NT BackOffice 4.0 (ack...I know, I know) system which is a
> dual PPro 200Mhz SuperMicro P6DNF with both CPUs having a stepping of 9
> and it almost never crashes (well, OK, NT4SP4 does its usual crap from
> time to time, but it runs very loaded for weeks at a time without
> errors). This system uses the same RAM, motherboard, 3c905 NIC, and
> DPT3334 EATA/DMA SCSI as the aforementioned crashing Linux box. The
> only real hardware difference is the CPU stepping.
> I have a customer with an NT BackOffice 4.0 system which is dual PPro
> 200Mhz, 3c905 NIC, DPT3334 EATA/DMA SCSI and CPU steppings of 7 and 9
> but with a Tyan Titan Pro motherboard. It has not crashed or otherwise
> been rebooted for months.
> When, if ever, is CPU stepping an issue? Could it be that mixing
> steppings on certain motherboards is a bad idea?
> Please don't ignore me just because I admitted that I use NT. :-O
> Thanks!
> --BOFH
> -
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