> However, I also have a dual PPro 200Mhz SuperMicro P6DNF Red Hat Linux
> 5.2 system with CPU0 with a stepping of 7 and CPU1 with a stepping of
> 9 and it always crashes within 24 hours with any SMP kernel (2.1.1XX
> and 2.2.0-preX with MTRR). I've tried different 3c905 NICs, different
> EDO RAM, updated the SuperMicro BIOS, and anything else listed in the
> Linux-SMP FAQ to no avail.
Temporary solution: Let PPro 200Mhz = Machine A, PPro 180 = Machine B.
Throttle Machine A back to 180MHz. Take the Machine A's stepping 9 CPU out
and put it in Machine B. Take Machine B's stepping 7 CPU out and put it in
Machine A.
Now see if it cures the crash.
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Linux tahallah 2.2.0-pre6 #70 SMP Sat Jan 9 15:34:44 EST 1999 Two Intel Pentium Pro 166MHz processors, 331.78 total bogomips, 48M RAM System library 2.0.109
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