Re: trouble burning _audio_ CDs
Alan Olsen (
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 09:59:56 -0800
On Jan 11, 12:15pm, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> Subject: Re: trouble burning _audio_ CDs
> I thought these error messages were rather clear.. :)
> You have unrecoverable read errors on your hda drive. You prob have the
> wav files sitting on top of the bad sector.
> It could be a cabiling issue, but I'd be backing up that drive if I were
> you.
> On Sun, 10 Jan 1999, ender wrote:
> > When trying to burn an audio CD I get weird hard drive error messages,
> > such as:
> >
> > Jan 10 13:58:57 thwack kernel: hda: read_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady
SeekComplete DataRequest Error }
> > Jan 10 13:58:57 thwack kernel: hda: read_intr: error=0x40 {
UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=3074912, sector=808928
> > Jan 10 13:58:57 thwack kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:04 (hda),
sector 808928
> >
> > this only happens when attempting to burn _audio_ CDs, i can burn ISO-9660
> > data CDs fine. i'm running Linux 2.2.0-pre6 and cdrecord-1.8a15, but i
> > have gotten the same errors in linux 2.1.131 and cdrecord-1.6.1. i have
> > an ATAPI BTC CD-R drive and it has SCSI emulation enabled. I have an
> > IDE hard drive with bus mastering enabled. Any suggestions, notes, help,
> > etc. would be -GREATLY- appreciated. Thanks.
I have seen similar issues on my system. The problems have been reduced down
to these things:
1) When it happened on my laptop, it was due to the drive having shaken loose
from the ide connector. (I was compiling a kernel in the backseat of my inlaws
car on the way to thanksgiving dinner at the time. The shocks went bad at that
point...) Checking if the drive is plugged in securly is always a good idea.
2) Cabling length. I have this problem on my home box. (Unfortuanatly I am
going to have to buy a whole new case for that system. It is an old full size
case with uber power supply from my 286 days. Back when I needed to spin up
full height mfm drives and/or heat the living room.) Check to see how long the
cables are and if they are sitting next to something noisy, like your power
cables. (Of course, having a VIA chipset is not helping either...)
3) Reboot the machine and see what fsck finds and cleans up. If you are
getting that message, the system should mark it as needing repair.
Of course, those are pretty obvious. Your mileage may vary.
Alan Olsen
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