> To be honest I think that only a very, very small part of the functionality will
> be available short term features such as: WAV, Midi, PCM, Simple effects,
> Stereo. This is mostly going to be a resource issue, for example to get where
> we are today on Win9x (please it is just an example no flames) it took 6
> engineers about 7 months. I expect that the development of the Linux driver
> will be slow until we actually have a library / sourcecode to distribute.
It will be nice to be able to use this card from Linux.
> NT is mute because it is fundamentally broken, period. That any hardware works
> on that OS is amazing.
> Creative not unwilling to provide programming information, there simply isn't
> any because it hasn't been written. We have almost never given this type of
> information out, instead we have exposed functionality through API's (Windows
> centric). So we have to work on writing the documents, sample source code, etc.
> I am actively looking to hire engineers to help with this task, because I am
> looking for a long term and permanent solution. I am looking to build a team
> that will be able to support Linux on more than just one product, which includes
> bug fixes, development tools, and feature enhancements.
Will the resulting code be released GPL? (gnu public license) And be
submitted for inclusion into the kernel ?
Your answer to that question will affect the caliber of people who reply
to your job offer.
-- gmack@imag.netAs a computer I find your faith in technology amusing.
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