check this out..I'm running netscape fasttrack server on my caldera linux.
under the logs directory for one of my fasttrack web servers i found a
directory called "/" owned by root. Under their is another / directory and
another and another, etc..
so I figure, ok, i'll remove the top logs directory with "rm -fr logs"
and i get the output shown BELOW. (it's a little long)
Does anybody know how I can get rid of this???
rm: logs///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////: File name too long
rm: logs///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////: Directory not empty
rm: logs//////////: Directory not empty
rm: logs////////: Directory not empty
rm: logs//////: Directory not empty
rm: logs////: Directory not empty
rm: logs//: Directory not empty
rm: logs: Directory not empty
here's the dir listing..
[root@cygnus logs]# pwd
[root@cygnus logs]# unalias ls
[root@cygnus logs]# ls -l
total 1034
drwxr-xr-x 31 root root 1024 Jan 5 17:04 /
-rw-r--r-- 1 reviewn reviewn 985072 Jan 12 23:15 access
-rw-r--r-- 1 reviewn reviewn 51950 Jan 12 23:15 errors
-rw-r--r-- 1 reviewn reviewn 5 Jan 12 10:45 pid
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Jan 12 23:17 test
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