Andrew Leahy wrote:
> I installed RedHat 5.2 on an SMP machine last night and decided to give
> the 2.2.0pre* kernels a try. The major problem I've encountered so far
> involves sending a message with Netscape Messenger. When running
> Netscape as myself, if I click on "New Msg" in the Messenger window,
> Netscape will hang. (This problem does not occur with the 2.0.36 kernel
> that comes with RedHat 5.2.) If I login as root and try the same thing,
> the Compose window comes up no problem.
I got the same problem with a no SMP Kernel. But I was "root" !!!
The "root" home was on the local partition but the netscape binary was in
an NFS directory.
> Can anyone reproduce this?
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