Manuel J. Petit de Gabriel ( has writen a tar
filesystem: a GPL kernel module, running in both 2.0.x and 2.1.x,
which provides a similar functionality.
Very useful if, for example, you make backups with tar and then
copy the tar ball to a CD-ROM. When you later look for something,
you just need to mount the tar and then you can invoke the usual
find, grep, etc, to find what you want. I've been in that situation,
with no free space to un-tar the backup and then use find/grep. It seems
also useful for GNU/Linux Distributions to save space in the insta-
llation disks...
The module is pretty small (two 4Kb memory pages) if you compare
it with, say, the floppy module (eleven 4Kb memory pages).
Currently only tars are supported, although Manuel is adding
the gzip support. I think he is not distributing it yet because
he is waiting to have it completely finished.
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