> ----------- now I make a fool of myself :-) ---------- - no you
> didn't :-)
IMO noone here is making fool of him/herself ... the press release is a
serious thing that we must do right and since noone of us is a marketing
droid this thing is much more difficult to get right that writing code :)
> Santa Clara CA, January XX, 1999
Hehe ... today is 15 ... 2 weeks to go ... is it possible ? :)
> Today the software developers led by Linus Torvalds release a major update
Here I think we must stress that we are a team. We should not give the
impression that there is a bunch of casual developers coordinated by
Linus that have written an OS.
I suggest to change that sentence this way:
"Today the Linux Software Development Team led by Linus Torvalds ..."
This is something worth doing because the market is expecting a stable
development crew and while developers come and go (even if there are much
more ones that come than the ones that go), the Linux Software Development
Team is always working.
> to the Linux operating system. This update brings increased scalability,
> new hardware support, and a large collection of low-level features.
> Highlights include:
First of all we IMHO _must_ stress that Linux is very good at desktop
* Superior workstation and day to day working environment, with super
stable Operating System and high quality software including Windows-like
Graphical User Interfaces, complete Office Automation Suites compatible
with the Microsoft Office suite, Internet Navigation packages for
running faster on the Information Highway, complete development suites
for writing your own software with the language of your choice.
> new life to older 486-based computers. Support is widely available
Here we should change that 486-based to 386-based ... don't limit our
suporting to the lower end ... someone is still using 386 :)
> suggest that Linux had 10 to 20 million users at the end of 1998.
10 to 20 interval is too wide an estimate ... I suggest that we have to:
"Initial estimates suggest that Linux is well introduced into the server
niche owning 17% of the market not counting the innumerable desktop
installations for which an estimate is really difficult given the 'free
download, free copy' distribution policy."
> Apple Computer, Inc. NT is a trademark of Northern Telecom Limited.
Really fun, but seriously this one can not make into the press release ...
IMHO we should _not_ lower our profile doing clownie things like other
well known entities.
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