> HA!
> The fear of losing Linux has made the French government change their
> encryption policy!
> http://liberation.com/multi/actu/semaine990111/art990114d.html
Ok... That's interesting...
Not to offend any of the French speaking members of this list, but...
Is there and english translation around for the French impaired
such as myself?
> On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, David Monniaux wrote:
> > I think there has been to much talk on this list on the above topics.
> >
> > 1/ Many people who talk about legal issues here simply don't know what
> > they are talking about. Actually quoting from laws and legal texts is much
> > better than just repeating distorted versions of the truth.
> >
> > I am sick and tired of the sci.crypt kind of political discussion.
> >
> > 2/ When talking about national laws in an international newsgroup, the
> > thread usually quickly degenerates into a series of chauvinistic remarks,
> > like "Oh, that's because in country xxx they have a socialist/fascist
> > government, WE in our country wouldn't allow such things to happen.". This
> > is especially true of people who anyway don't know much about what is
> > discussed (see 1).
> >
> > For instance, many Americans think France is a police state, and the
> > reverse is true. Repeated misconception and prejudice is NOT pushing the
> > discussion forward.
> >
> > 3/ The person that proposed France should be cut from the Linux community
> > has a tremendous sense of humour, since the author of ext2fs, R�my Card,
> > works in an university in Paris.
> >
> >
> > Now let's go on with the REAL business.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > David Monniaux
> > Computer Science Laboratory, �cole Normale Sup�rieure, Paris, France
> >
> >
> > -
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