However, the new quote you have inserted is _extremely_ opaque for anyone who
isn't technically inclined. I think the previous quote was much better in this
respect; it may need a little cleaning up, but it got the point across in a
clearer fashion.
Other major comment:
> Linux is a secure network operating system for demanding users.
> It interoperates well with a wide variety of other systems.
> Linux takes advantage of modern PC and PowerMac hardware and gives
> new life to older 486-based computers. With Euro support and
> Y2K compliance, Linux is ready for the next millennium.
We're back to "Linux only runs on PCs and Macs". How about something more like:
Linux is a secure network operating system for demanding users.
It interoperates well with a wide variety of other systems.
It takes advantage of a range of computer systems, from modern PC and Power
Macintosh hardware to older 80386-based computers, as well as other
architectures such as Sun Sparc and UltraSparc, Digital Alpha, MIPS,
Arm and StrongARM, and others. With Euro support and Y2K compliance,
Linux is ready for the next millenium.
Charles Cazabon
-- ---------------------------------------------------- Charles Cazabon <> Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions. ----------------------------------------------------
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