I believe the article I read was something about iMacs and the coulumnist
said "unlink all macs before it the iMac has no boot ROM....". Now,
pulling that off would be a trick :-)
Robbie Stone, rstone@vitelus.com
Serendipity Simplex
On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Bert Barbe wrote:
:->If you really want to do this Press release keep it simple.
:->And if you really wanna do it, you can put together a press
:->package with quotes etc. for journalists to use.
:->Ofcourse, IMHO, linux-kernel doesn't need to do a press release ;
:->a simple announcement from Linus in the usual places
:->will do nicely. The press will jump on it fast enough.
:->Instead we could focus on documenting the features of 2.2.0
:->and changes compared with 2.0.x
:->Focus on proper technical docs, and let the press boys add
:->the hype words themselves.
:->Robert Klein wrote:
:->> I'm somewhat confused by this fourth draft. Are we writing a
:->> press release or a newspaper/-magazine article? If it's a
:->> press release leave the quotes out. If we want to give
:->> journalists the quotes, let's just include pointers to the
:->> documents. Put them into the section with the links at the end
:->> under 'Further readings.'
:->> The processors part is okay, it's just confusing to mention
:->> every architectures.
:->> Regards, Robert
:->> -
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