> I don't know if this helps, but I get the netscape (4.0.7) crashes on both
> Linux 2.0.36 (stock RH 5.2 + X 3.3.3) and on some SGI O2s in a school lab. I
> find that if I run netscape long enough, I will eventually get the crash, but
> having multiple windows open causes it to happen more quickly. I'm not using
> netscape for mail or news, only as a browser, and my Linux box is not even
> connected to the internet, so I can get the crash just accessing files on my
> hd.
> Jeremiah Savage
I find that if I: remember to empty the disk cache often, and run a
nameserver on my lan, that netscape 4.5 is rock solid. It seems to
thrash badly whenever the disk cache starts to get full, or when
dns-helper has trouble using my ISP's nameserver (which is often
enough to make a caching nameserver a necessity for everything else as
well.) It does not crash in either case, it just starts eating as
much processor time as it can get its hands on until I kill it. Since
I started emptying the cache, I have had no trouble whatsoever.
Hope this helps.
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