> Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 18:09:33 +0000
> From: Alan Mimms <alan@packetengines.com>
> Have you considered the relatively new data structure called a
> 'skip list'?
> I like skip lists too, but one fallacy I found in them for kernel
> usage is that they require a decent and fast random number source.
> Perhaps you found a suitable solution to this problem in your
> application?
I too like skip-list, the avg cost per ptr is low and things like
merges are very easy, but when raw perf. is an issue a good RBtree impl
usually kills a skip-list. I have and use both, but skip-list is almost
never a better solution than an RBtree.
Even pre-caching the random numbers before a benchmark and pulling
them from a pool doesn't give skip-list an advantage, I don't see how this
would be any better in the kernel.
Benjamin Saller Bender <case@appliedtheory.com>
AppliedTheory Communications Software Engineering Group
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo
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