VFAT bug?

Antonio M. Trindade (trindade@student.dei.uc.pt)
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 17:11:06 +0000 (WET)

I think the VFAT fs is slightly broken.

Why do I think it's broken? Simple: I dual-boot Win98 and Linux, and
whenever I access a directory in my Windows partition from Linux, and then
run NDD on it, it complains about invalid dates. It's not a serious bug,
only annoying.

Can anyone give me feedback on this? Thanks in advance.

Antonio Trindade.

|Linux RuleZ Linux RuleZ Linux R| F.C.T. da Universidade de Coimbra |
|ux RuleZ Linux RuleZ Linux Rule| Antonio Miguel Ferreira Marques Trindade |
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|Jean-Michel Jarre is very cool!| Coimbra, PORTUGAL |
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