> I think this test can be a good test for the interactive speed.
> So I think the best swap-code was in the 2.2.0-pre6.
To do what 2.2.0-pre6 is doing with my latest arca-vm patches you only
need to set the third value to something like 512 (instead of 32).
> 2.2.0-p8a26 : usr: 869.20s, sys: 7.80s, cpu:91%, total: 1400s
> 01: 2306 02: 3312 04: 4398 08: 5312 16: 6511 32: 7539 64: 8225
Not very good... Ok.
> Keep up your good work, guys!
Your are doing a great work too! I'm impressed on how many good test you
done ;). They are very very helpful to me!
Andrea Arcangeli
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