Re: That whole Netscape problem...

Ed Cogburn (
Sat, 23 Jan 1999 15:20:47 -0500 wrote:
> Ed Cogburn said ...
> > wrote:
> > > Ely Wilson said ...
> > > > Netscape 4.x has been 'spontaneously shutting down' since as far as I can recall, on
> > > > both Debian and RedHat, under 2.0 and 2.1 kernels. This is nothing kernel related,
> > > > maybe indirectly if at all. This is a problem that should be taken up with Netscape
> > > > (or whoever it is that manages the browser source code) since this has been a long
> > > > standing problem among a great many users of all kernel versions.
> > > >
> > > > Maybe it uses a bad memory management scheme under Linux/Unix and it surfaces itself
> > > > under Linux/X Windows. This is a posibility, but I wouldn't stick my neck out so
> > > > far (on he lkml) and say it's kernel related, because tehre are MANY X apps that
> > > > don't spontaneously close themselves. If it were a less centralized problem...
> > > > well..
> > > I find it interesting that many people have this problem with Netscape.
> > > I've been running 4.51 for around 4 months (under 2.0.x) and never had it
> > > hang or die. With previous releases of Netscape there was some
> > First, where did you get the 4.51 version? I couldn't find it on
> > for linux. 4.5 is the only binary available for
> > linux boxes.
> My mistake. It's 4.5, not 4.51 (sorry for the misinformation).
> > Second, how do you use NS? 80% browsing, or 80%
> > email/newsgroups? Do you use multiple browser windows, or just
> > one? From other discussions on other mailing lists, its *how* you
> > use NS that has a lot to do with its stability.
> Lets see... I typically have two or three windows open, one or two for
> browsing, one for news (though lately I've been going back to using Tin).
> I don't read my mail through netscape. I use elm. I'm not impressed
> with any of the graphic mail readers available, let alone Netscape mail
> reader. The same argument applies to news readers, so I guess recently
> it's only been browsing. But in the past it's been all three. As for
> the types of pages, I visit, they vary from straight HTML (text only) to
> sites heavy on the java. It's a pretty good mix. My disk and memory
> caches are 5Mb each, and I know I exceed that limit at least once a day.

It depends a lot on what you do with it. I can't remember the
last time the browser component ever failed on me, but I had the
email/news component hang on me yesterday. I'm in the 80%
email/news and 20% browser category.
If it were stable, I'd actually like the email/news component of
NS, but alas, its far from stable, at least on my system. I know
of no substitute, either.

Ed C.

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