> Actually, I'm using the glibc-2.0.7-13 rpm from RedHat. I have successfully
> compiled 2.0.111, but am too afraid to install it ;), mostly due to the rpm
> issues (yeah, I know, I know...).
Ok, that's one suspect crossed off the list. Can't be the library. GDB
hasn't changed for a long time, neither has DDD. It works quite well with
different kernels I've used. Let's see if the problem occurs with earlier
kernels. If it doesn't, I think Linus will have to wear a paper bag over
his head.. ;o)
> Crack-smoking penguins...
Heh. =)
-- /\_/\ Legalise cannabis now! ( o.o ) Grow some cannabis today! > ^ < Peace, Love, Unity and Respect to all.http://www.tahallah.demon.co.uk - *new* - rewritten for text browser users!
Linux tahallah 2.2.0-final #74 SMP Thu Jan 21 20:35:00 EST 1999 Two Intel Pentium Pro 166MHz processors, 331.78 total bogomips, 48M RAM System library 2.0.111
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