I have seen spelling errors, grammatical follies, and entirely
nonsensical statements propagated uncorrected from draft to
draft. For example, the "latest" still has the almost-idiotic:
This update includes an advanced collection of low-level features.
What in blazes is an "advanced collection"? How is one collection
more "advanced" than another? Who would want a bunch of "low-level
features" when they could have high-level ones?
I posted replacement text in
which fixes this and other problems. The "final" draft,
incidentally, also introduces a new misspelling which I
will point out if anybody is really interested.
Maybe union rules require that press releases contain really dumb
mistakes, but what does it say about the reliability of open-source
software if we can't even get a bloody two-page press release right?
[Rhetorical question.]
Nathan Myers
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