> --- 86,92 ----
> examination of Linux (The so-called "Halloween Document",
> ! <A HREF="http://www.opensource.org/halloween.html"
> ! >http://www.opensource.org/halloween.html</A>), wrote that "Linux
> ! represents a best-of-breed UNIX, that is trusted on mission critical
> ! applications, and - due to its open source code - has a long term
> ! credibility which exceeds many other competitive operating systems."
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> This is just a formatting change. We should try to make sure the
> text portion (if not the list of URLs at the bottom) reads cleanly
> when printed out even with URLs expanded.
I'm not sure what you did here. Something is screwed up in the formatting. Could you attach a text document (to me, not to the list)
showing the changes? Thanks.
-- Kyle R. Rose "They can try to bind our arms, Laboratory for Computer Science but they cannot chain our MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883 minds or hearts..." http://web.mit.edu/krr/www/ Stratovarius krose@theory.lcs.mit.edu Forever Free
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