Kernel Development Model, CVS, 2.2.0 and beyond

Adam Scislowicz (
Tue, 26 Jan 1999 14:12:44 -0500

Now would be a good time to move the kernel to a CVS tree. GNOME, Mozilla, GGI, ALSA, and egcs have all been using CVS trees for development and have shown great progress. Also using a CVS tree would save alot of bandwidth and make it easier for people to apply unstandard patches. For example, you could simply have kernel branches called devfs, alsa, and ac. Then anyone wanting the latest of those trees would simply type cvs -PADr DEVFS_STABLE or something similar... It would also force good structure, which would take the load off of linus. Tarred releases could still be made of course, and until some sort of review system was created where anyone could submit checkin's, patches will still be accepted. However moving towords this system is important, to maintain the same progress when the kernel itself is so much bigger, and who knows how drastic our 2.3 changes will be :)

Adam D. Scislowicz

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