> On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 09:46:06PM -0700, Dan Burcaw wrote:
> >
> > There is a bug that works only on the 2.2.0 kernel that will allow root
> > and non-root users to crash the machine (the system reboots).
> >
> > To replicate this bug do following:
> >
> > Take any core file, and as normal user or root run: ldd core
> >
> > The machine will reboot, saying that it cannot get execution permissions
> > for ./core
> same here on a celeron-333. Running glibc-2.0.111.
Does the same on my system here.. I stumbled on it by accident after
doing an ldconfig -v after replacing a library without rebuilding it..
shocked me really cause I didnt know what happened..
Instantly rebooted.. No warning..
Nasty really cause none of the disks were cleanly unmounted.. machine came
back up fine tho..
running redhat 5.2 here.. Pentium 166 - Non MMX.. on kernel 2.2.0
Regards, Jim.
__ name: james woodward (jim)
/ . _ _ email: jim@jim.southcom.com.au, jim@woodward.southcom.com.au
(_/ / / \/ ) www: http://jim.southcom.com.au, http://www.mailbag.ml.org
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