> > 1) How should the 2.2.0-ac1 patched kernel be regarded? As a 'fixed' production
> > kernel, or as an experimental or development kernel?
> I consider it production class. It is not tested to quite the same degree
> vanilla 2.2.0 has now.
> > 2) How do you apply the 2.2.0-ac1 patch correctly? I rooted my 2.2.0 source tree
> > at /usr/src/linux.vanilla, did a cd to /usr/src, then did
> >
> > cat whatever/patch-2.2.0-ac1 | patch -p0 2>&1 | less
> cd linux
> patch -p1 <../patch-2.2.0-ac1
> Alan
Thank you o great one (fawn, bow, scrape, leaving the room backwards) :-)
...and thank you to all the others who responded. Gee, what a nice list.
-- rclark@virgosolutions.demon.co.uk Ralph Clark, Virgo Solutions Ltd (UK) __ _ / / (_)__ __ ____ __ * Powerful * Flexible * Compatible * Reliable * / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / *Well Supported * Thousands of New Users Every Day* /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ The Cost Effective Choice - Linux Means Business!
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