Re: LINUX 2.2 SECURITY: more clues
Helge Hafting (
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 09:32:01 +0100
> Nothing happened. I might be wrong, but perhaps it's a bug with the RH5.x ldd
> from the glibc package? AFAIR many people who reported the crash were using
> RH5.x - some of them didn't mention which dist they use, but those who said
> they're running Slackware or Debian dists didn't have problems. Perpahs that's
> where one should look?
Maybe it happens only with some ldd's, but the kernel needs fixing anyway.
A normal user should not be able to crash the OS by running a buggy
program, as an evil user could then bring his own buggy ldd in
order to crash machines.
Helge Hafting
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