>On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Tigran Aivazian wrote:
>Nothing happened. I might be wrong, but perhaps it's a bug with the RH5.x ldd
>from the glibc package? AFAIR many people who reported the crash were using
>RH5.x - some of them didn't mention which dist they use, but those who said
>they're running Slackware or Debian dists didn't have problems. Perpahs that's
>where one should look?
It seems to be true. At lest I can't crush my slackware linux.
Here is ver_linux output:
Linux irina 2.2.0-pre7 #2 Thu Jan 21 21:51:06 EET 1999 i586 unknown
Kernel modules found
Gnu C egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)
Linux C Library 5.4.46
Dynamic linker ldd: version 1.9.9
Linux C++ Library 2.8.1
Linux C++ Library 2.8.0
Procps 1.2.7
Mount 2.9g
Net-tools (1998-12-05)
Kbd 0.94
Sh-utils 1.16
But even if this problem exists only on RH dists it MUST be fixed
by changing something in kernel. IMHO any errors in any user space programs
including ldd & libc does not lead to system crush or unwanted reboot.
SY, Stanislav Voronyi.
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