System: Linux 2.2.1 (seen since 2.1.127). redhat-5.1, glibc upgrade to
2.0.7. gcc upgrade to 2.8.1, ASUS *dual* (SMP enabled) P100, 64MB RAM,
aic7xxx. Upgraded all libraries/utils mentioned in the 2.2.1 Changes
file - except the on that got cracked.
The system rocks in almost every way. It runs db2, Solid, and tons of
C++ and Java apps perfectly. There is only one problem and I can do it
100% of the time:
1. cp linux-2.2.0.tar.gz /tmp
2. tar xvfz linux-2.2.0.tar.gz
3. Wait 1.5 hrs for it to untar.
cp works blazingly fast, gcc doesn't wait for anything. Nothing else I
throw at it fails or even delays a smidgeon. Can *anyone* else
acknowledge this symptom or am I the only one in the world having this
problem? Must I use GCC- (I require 2.8.1 for Mico - CORBA).
You could say, "Don't untar large files.". But it worked in 2.1.126!
Recompiling tar didn't help, BTW.
ALSO: Rebooting the SMP box fails. It just hangs. The last time it
rebooted properly was in 2.1.125. 126 and onwards fails - even with
reboot=warm and reboot=bios as a kernel parameter in LILO. any
suggestions here would be great too.
Didn't know where else to post this...
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