On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, MOLNAR Ingo wrote:
> > > cool! Could you run this for a day or so and tell me wether there are gone
> > > forever, or just getting more rare?
> >
> > I'm doing that now with 2.2.1 (They still happen with 2.2.1!), and will
> > let you know if they still are happening when I get back from work
> > tonight.
Ok, just got in from work. Checked logs and there's no sign of spurious
APIC interrupts. I guess we can write this off as fixed =). To make life
easier, here's a patch for 2.2.1.
Apply within the linux/arch/i386/kernel directory.
--- smp.c.orig Fri Jan 29 08:27:15 1999
+++ smp.c Fri Jan 29 18:40:21 1999
@@ -726,9 +726,8 @@
* also, put the APIC into flat delivery mode.
value = apic_read(APIC_LDR);
- value &= ~APIC_LDR_MASK;
- value |= SET_APIC_LOGICAL_ID(0xff);
- apic_write(APIC_LDR,value);
+ value = (1<<hard_smp_processor_id());
+ apic_write(APIC_LDR,value);
value = apic_read(APIC_DFR);
value |= SET_APIC_DFR(0xf);
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Linux tahallah 2.2.1 #14 SMP Thu Jan 28 20:34:56 EST 1999 Two Intel Pentium Pro 166MHz processors, 331.78 total bogomips, 48M RAM System library 2.0.111
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