On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, Brian Macy wrote:
> Actually I just want kmod to work. I've mentioned this since I started using
> 2.1.12? but all I get is read the FAQs/ChangeLog/kmod.txt. I have... it
> don't help.
> The best I've gotten kmod to do is *if* I build SCSI support as a module
> and insmod scsi_mod manually in rc.local, It will load the tape, cdrom, and
> initio drivers automatically when accessed. I can't get it to work at all
> with eth0/eth1 and when I compiled SCSI support into the kernel the tape,
> cdrom, and initio drivers would no longer autoload.
> Please help... I've been using modules (especially for ethernet and SCSI)
> for years without problems but the 2.1.1* through 2.2.1 kernels have just
> got me beat.
Do you have any error messages? What happens when you try to load the
SCSI support. If no modules are loaded, you really should be seeing in
the syslog something to the effect of "Module xxxx could not be loaded".
While I don't have modular SCSI on any of my systems, I do have module
support compiled for SCSI cdroms, and generic SCSI access, and these seem
to work smoothly. I'm truly surprised that autoloading of ethernet
modules fails - again, can we see some clips of the syslog? Also, can we
see a copy of your /etc/conf.modules (or modules.conf, which ever one you
use). These will be helpful in tracking down your problems.
> I'm using modutils-2.1.121, kerneld is not running, echo "/sbin/modprobe" >
> /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe is being done, kmod is built into the kernel,
> conf.modules doesn't need to change (at least from what I've read).
Looks like you're up to date, WRT the packages.
> Brian Macy
Greg Zornetzer - gaz+@andrew.cmu.edu
"Light shines brightest in the darkest night"
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