Re: Anti-Linux SMP FUD

Itai Nahshon (
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 12:39:48 +0200

> I sit behind an NT dual P2/400 256MB for too many hours each day.
> It is "slow". One of my (fun) tasks is CD mastering. When i'm
> loading
> a 500MB wav file into the editor, the machine goes useless for
> two minutes while loading the wave file. Basically its just reading
> the file and writing it to swap. The CPU is at 5%. No Alt-Tab
> between
> apps during that time. No chance of putting the mouse over a button
> (too many dropped ticks). The NT kernel is just sitting waiting for
> I/O
> completions.

I'm not here to protect Windows but this is nothing about
the kernel. This is just how their GUI is working (and they
would say it's "working as designed" and that the application
used to master CDs is broken).

BTW. Someone told me that Windows 3.1 already had a
multi-tasking kernel... except that all the applications
were running under the same process.


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